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illustrator & comic artist based in vienna



10fold - stories against discrimination

10fold is an Erasmus+ project between the partner organisiations Frauenberatungsstelle Orientexpress in Vienna, Cap Ulysse in Bordeaux and Blickwinkel - Mut zur Perspektive. To find more Comics and infos on the project visit the official project website for 10fold.The project ist co-funded by the European Union.

👇 Scroll down to read the first Comic - Joy's story.

Over the course of the project the team carried out interviews with 10 women from different backgrounds. The women talk about their experiences living in Vienna and Bordeaux.
As the artist on the  project: I participated in the interviews, making sketches and turning the stories of the real life protagonists into short comics.
Below you can read the comic "In Training".

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